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Frequently Asked Questions


We are a company that provides and manages the compulsory liability insurance when an inspection sticker is purchased. We have processed over 6 million claims and paid approximately over $2.3 billion in auto repairs.

We set ourselves apart from otherinsurance carriers in that we are the only company created exclusively to provide compulsory insurance. Therefore, our experience, expertise and service to our clients is based on providing this type of insurance.

For more than 24 years, we have offered uninterrupted service in Puerto Rico. As leaders and experts, we are the only auto insurer on the island that is specialized in compulsory liability insurance. ASC offers:

  • Call center with 7 days service: 787.622.4242.
  • Only ASC offers 24/7 and instant service to make ALL your claim process just by sending a WhatsApp message to 787.999.4242.
  • Also 24/7 service through and through ASC Tu Compulsorio mobile App (available for Android & iOS).
  • Personalized service with scheduled appointment in all our Service Centers conveniently located around the island.
  • ASC is the only insurer that helps you in the process of renewing the vehicle’s annual permit. ASC can send you by email the vehicle’s registration for FREE. All in 24 hours or less! Request it at:
  • Remote Inspection Service where one of ASC experts will perform the damages inspection remotely; all without waiting and without visits. It’s safe and easy!

Compulsory liability insurance is the minimum amount of insurance required for automobiles using the various thoroughfares in Puerto Rico. It is an insurance of public responsibility and covers damages that an insured vehicle may cause to another vehicle. The insurance can be obtained when renewing the registration sticker at the Collection Offices of the Treasury Department, bank institutions, and official inspection stations authorized to issue registration stickers.

Compulsory liability insurance provides $4,000.00 of coverage per accident, independent of the number of claimants under the same traffic accident. As an insurance of public responsibility, it will not cover damages to the insured vehicle (at fault) as a result of an automobile accident.

These are regulations established by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance that apply to all insurance carriers that provide compulsory liability insurance. The Office establishes the protocol and the criteria for resolving compulsory liability insurance claims.

Rule LXXI contains a series of diagrams that reflect the different circumstances whereby accidents can occur, and have an assigned percentage of negligence that correspond to each of the parties involved. Insurance carriers can only resolve claims based on the information provided by the parties involved, and are not permitted to use any other means to obtain information, such as the police report. The insurance carriers are obligated to apply the percentage of negligence attributed to each of the parties as outlined in the diagram applicable to the specific type of accident occurance.

In order to submit a compulsory liability insurance claim, the individual must complete the “Amicable Accident Report”. It is a document approved by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance and all insurance carriers providing compulsory liability insurance must use this from. Each of the sections must include information concerning the automobiles and the circumstances in which the accident occurred.

No. Every insurance carrier who provides compulsory liability insurance, including ASC, must resolve all claims based exclusively on the information provided by the parties in the Amicable Accident Report. ASC cannot utilize the Accident Police Report to establish which party is at fault when Rule LXXI applies.

Yes. The compulsory liability insurance will reimburse for towing expenses incurred by the insured when the automobile has been disabled as a result of the accident. The insured must submit an invoice or a receipt for the towing expense indicating the distance towed. To be considered for reimbursement, towing services must be provided by a dealer authorized by the Commission of Public Services and reimbursement will be based on the established rates by this Commission.

If the party who is at fault is insured by ASC and the other party has collision insurance (not the insurance for public responsibility), the party suffering damages has two options:

  • Submit an insurance claim to ASC or,
  • Submit a claim to their own insurance carrier to cover no-fault damages to their vehicle.

In the case of the latter, the insurance carrier will pay for no-fault damages incurred and they will contact ASC for reimbursement.

Yes. If the party at fault is insured with ASC, the affected party can submit a claim to ASC to recover the insurance deductible.

The claimant can call the Customer Service Center or process the claim via the Internet by accessing our website at You must specify that the claim is to recover the insurance deductible and provide the claim reference number, date of the accident and the vehicle information of the parties involved. You will be given an appointment to appear at one of our Service Centers along with your vehicle. If the vehicle has already been repaired, you must bring photographs taken by the insurance carrier of the damage to the vehicle prior to the vehicle being repaired. An itemized bill of the repairs paid by the insurance carrier must accompany the application, along with a paid receipt for the insurance deductible. Once the claim process is completed, the claimant will be able to choose the preferred payment method: direct deposit or check.

No. The compulsory liability insurance only covers damages to a vehicle resulting from an accident with an individual insured with compulsory liability insurance. Coverage does not apply to personal injuries suffered by the parties involved in the accident.

No. The compulsory liability insurance only covers damages to a vehicle resulting from an accident with an individual insured with compulsory liability insurance. Coverage does not apply to property damages.

No. According to the Law No. 253-1995, ASC can only accept estimates and pay claims from estimates received from service repair centers registered with theTreasury Department’s Merchant Registry.

Law No. 253-1995 states that payment resulting from compulsory liability insurance claims can only be made to the owner of the registered vehicle damaged in the traffic accident, the service repair center, or both. In order for the payment to be made to the service repair center, the repair center must be registered with the Treasury Department’s Merchant Registry.

In the event that the accident involved a leased vehicle, payment will be made to the lesee company.

According to Law No. 253-1995, the owner or driver of a vehicle who is involved in a traffic accident in a vehicle covered by compulsory liability insurance, must adhere to the following:

  • Report the traffic accident to the police within forty-eight (48) hours of the occurance.
  • Notify ASC.
  • Submit an insurance claim within one (1) year of the occurance.
  • Provide appropriate documentation to process the insurance claim.
  • Arrange for inspection of all damaged vehicles.
  • Submit invoice for damages incurred resulting from the traffic accident.

Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a misdeameanor which carries a maximum fine of $500. In addition, failure to process a compulsory liability insurance claim may result in the affected party filing a personal liability claim against the insured for damages caused as a result of the accident.

  • Claim reference number
  • Date of the accident
  • Vehicle registration
  • License plate numbers of all vehicles involved in the accident

No. Once the claimant calls us or submits their claim online, they will be given an appointment date to visit one of our Service Centers. The insured does not need to coordinate the visit to the Center with the claimant, nor do they need to appear together at the Center. The important matter is that on the appointment day, all parties involved will be able to take care of their claim transactions in less than 40 minutes, and upon completion of the process, receive payment of the claim on site.

If the claimant is a minor, it is imperative that when submitting a claim by telephone or website, that the minor be accompanied by a parent with legal custody or by a legal guardian.

On the given appointment day to the Center, proof of parental custody or legal guardianship must be presented. Examples of such documents are:

  • Birth certificate
  • Court order
  • Proof of guardianship

In the event that none of these documents are available, the claim must be presented by the registered owner of the vehicle.

The Puerto Rico Statute for Insurance (Insurance Code) establishes that compulsory liability insurance claims must be resolved in the minimum reasonable amount of time or within 90 days of the claim being submitted.

It’s easy! At the time of renewing your registration sticker, whether it be at the collection offices, banks, or at an official inspection service center, simply indicate that you wish to apply for the compulsory insurance from ASC.

The Puerto Rico Statute of Insurance (Insurance Code) recognizes the right of every citizen to freely choose their insurance carrier. Choose the experts in compulsory liability insurance; Choose ASC!.

The insurance covers up to $4,000.00 of damages incurred to another motor vehicle as a result of a traffic accident caused by the insured. This insurance limit applies per accident, therefore, if various vehicles suffer damages as a result of the one accident, the $4,000.00 will be distributed amongst the vehicles affected.

For more details about compulsory liability insurance, please see “Policy” under Compulsory liability Insurance.

If you are not in agreement with the decision rendered against your claim, you may request an appeal before ASC or re-evaluation of your claim.

You may choose this venue when it is apparent that certain information or documenation were not taken into account when resolving the original claim.

You may submit your application for re-evaluation or reconsideration by visiting our website, selecting the Claims tab, and locating the appropriate section for reconsideration and appeals. You may also submit, in writing, a detailed narrative to ASC where you list the reasons why your claim should be re-evaluated or reconsidered. We will re-evaluate your claim application and notify you of the final determination.

Please contact us and notify us that as a result of the accident, the vehicle is inoperable and cannot be driven to one of our Service Centers. Provide the address where the car is located and we will make the necessary arrangements to have one of our representatives to meet you at the location to inspect your vehicle.

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